

We will continue doing Readers and Writers Workshops. We will begin our next reading unit called, “Readers Get to Know Characters by Performing Their Books” by reviewing previously taught skills, along with focusing on: thinking about what is happening across more than one page, role playing characters, looking at the pictures and words to learn about characters, thinking about the setting, retelling to a partner, identifying characters’ different feelings, making inferences, reading with expression, identifying the difference between the narrator and character, rereading to help perform and understand characters better, using voices to bring stories to life, and acting out stories. We will begin our opinion writing unit, called, “Writing Reviews,”  where the focus will be writing “reviews” about things like objects, toys, movies, restaurants, games, books, etc. When writing a review, we plan, sketch, write, and revise.  In addition, we will need to give our opinion and give reasons with details in order to convince others, along with having a catchy introduction and conclusion.  In Fundations, we will work on Unit 8 with learning about consonant blends and digraph blends, blending and reading words with up to four sounds, segmenting and spelling words with up to four sounds, adding suffix s to words with four sounds, and r-controlled vowel sounds: ar, or, er, ir, ur.  Also, we will work on Unit 9 with closed syllables (it only has one vowel, the vowel is followed by one or more consonants, the vowel is short and marked with a breve), closed syllable vs. open syllable, and vowel team sounds: ai, ay, ee, ea, ey, oi, oy.  In addition, we will work on Unit 10 with learning the concept of blending and reading words with 5 sounds (+ suffix ‘s’), segmenting and spelling words with 5 sounds (+ suffix ‘s’), adding suffix ‘ed’ and ‘ing’ to unchanging basewords with closed syllables, and vowel team sounds: oa, oe, ow, ou, oo, ue, ew, au, aw.


We will continue to do the calendar as part of our daily routine, which includes the date, the days of the week, the months of the year, patterns, and counting the days using hundreds, tens, and ones.  Also we will model and compare two digit numbers to determine which is greater and which is less, use symbols “less than,” “greater than” and “equal to” to compare numbers, solve problems using the strategy “make a model,” and identify numbers that are 10 less or 10 more than a given number.  Then, we will add and subtract within 20, draw a model to add and subtract tens, use a hundred chart to find sums, use concrete models to add ones or tens to a two-digit number, make a ten to add a two-digit number and a one-digit number, use tens and ones to add two-digit numbers, solve and explain two-digit addition word problems using the strategy “draw a picture,” and add and subtract within 100, including continued practice with facts within 20

**Science / Social Studies**

~ Groundhog Day
~ dental health
~ Holidays:  Valentine's Day, President's Day
~ President Lincoln
~ President Washington