

We will continue Readers and Writers Workshops.  We will begin our nonfiction reading unit called, “Learning About the World.”  Some of the new skills that will be introduced in Readers Workshop are: using sneak peeks to help us read nonfiction books, studying one page at a time, using pictures and text in order to learn as much as we can about a topic, making predictions, talking about what we read in our own words, and rereading to make sure we understand our books, reading with fluency and expression, retelling books, recalling information from books, and using all the different strategies to figure out unknown words.  We will begin our nonfiction writing unit called, “Nonfiction Chapter Books,” where the focus will be writing nonfiction books. When writing a nonfiction book, we will need to plan, sketch and write all we know about a topic, being sure to answer questions like, who, how, why, where, and when, along with using our illustrations as teaching points in our books. In addition, we will work on Unit 5 with learning the concept of glued sounds: am, an, along with story re-telling.  Then, we will begin Unit 6 with learning the concept of a baseword and suffix with the suffix -s, plural words, story re-telling, and narrative story structure.


We will continue to do the calendar as part of our daily routine, which includes the date, the days of the week, the months of the year, patterns, and counting the days using hundreds, tens, and on
es.  Also, we will work on solving addition and subtraction situations using the strategy “make a model,” recording related facts within 20, identifying related addition and subtraction facts within 20, and applying the inverse relationship of addition and subtraction.  We will also use related facts to determine unknown numbers, use related facts to subtract, choose an operation and strategy to solve word problems, represent equivalent forms of numbers using sums and differences within 20, determine if an equation is true or false and demonstrate fluency for addition and subtraction facts.

**Science / Social Studies**

~ Living and Nonliving Things
~ Winter
~ Holidays:  Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Year’s