Room 2 News

I hope you all have a wonderful break!  It will be great to see everyone back and I am ready for the New Year to start!  I hope you are ready too!

Please continue to check your child’s folder. The folders should be emptied daily, except for the homework that is to be returned! The folder is also an excellent place to put any notes that need to come back to school. Don’t forget to check the school website for important notices and upcoming events.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Miss Friedman

Helping your child create New Year's Resolutions is the beginning of teaching your child the importance of setting goals. Goal setting is an important skill your child can take all the way in to adulthood. Here are some resolutions your kids can adapt to get started:

1. I will practice good hygiene. This includes brushing my teeth after meals, washing my hands after going to the bathroom, covering my nose and mouth when I sneeze and cough, and keeping my nails clipped and filed. Proper hygiene is important for good health.

2. I will make it a point to eat healthier. I will eat a fruit and vegetable every day while limiting my sweets. After all, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. I will also drink more water and milk while drinking less soda and juice. I will be taking better care of my body by watching what goes in to it.

3. I will be responsible when using the computer. I will not give out any personal information like my full name, birth date, address, phone number, or name of the school I currently attend. I will review Internet safety with my parents and abide by their rules.

4. I will volunteer at my local church or in the neighborhood. I could give my old clothes and toys to kids in need. I could help serve dinner at a soup kitchen. I could clean the litter off the beaches or help out at an animal shelter.

5. I will keep my bedroom organized and my bed made. I will put my dirty clothes in the laundry basket and hang my towel up in the bathroom. When I am done with one toy, I will clean it up before taking out the next one.

6. I will work on being polite and not responding to my parent's requests with a smart tongue. I will remember my please, thank you, your welcome, and excuse me's. I will never say curse words or use the Lord's name in vain. I will show respect for my elders with my words.

7. I will do my best in school. I will hand in my homework on time and not wait until the night before my science fair project is due to start working on it. If I need extra help with a subject, I will ask for it or get a tutor.

8. I will be kind to all kids. If I see someone who is sad, I will try to cheer him or her up. If a new kid comes to our school, I will show them around. I will not make fun of any kid, but rather say things that are great about that person.

9. I will get proper exercise. I will join sports I like such as soccer, t-ball, basketball, or volleyball. I will walk, jog, or ride a bike if it is not the season for the sport I like. When possible I will get outside and enjoy the fresh air.

10. I will limit the time I spend watching television and playing video games to one to two hours per day. I will stay away from shows and games that promote violence or unhealthy living. I will only watch movies that have a rating appropriate for my age group